Evaluation 2

How does the media product represent a particular social group?

I tried to employ different features when creating the magazine to make it represent my target social group; an example of this is the way my models looked. On my double page spread, I had my model wearing a Vans jacket, the same brand I included in my mood board when I was choosing who my target audience would be. The model's hair was also the type of style that is usually associated with rock/alternative rock artists. I think this style reflects the style of my target audience and so the magazine represents their social group. As I mentioned in the response to my first question, costume does play a huge part in representing a specific social group and so I employed all the necessary styling to allow it to do this. I think that a lot of the model's poses also act as a representative of the social group. Both of the models I used are quite serious in many of the photos and look quite dark, to some extent, and I think this can link to the style of the audience. I think that this applies particularly to the double page spread where this seriousness is emphasized by the fact the images are grayscale. It could be said that my target social group is quite interesting and can have unusual traits and sense of style so I reflected this in my front cover image. I made the pose unique and unusual and therefore hope it can in some way represent the social group. The main reason I used the poses and expressions that I did is because I found very similar conventions when doing my research. An example is this Kerrang! cover which I think I used as an example earlier. Every member of the band on the front cover wear quite a serious expression and the main man's pose is slightly unique and not a typical pose that I came across.I think the tattoos that he shows emphasize the music style and represent the target audience. I think to some extent that my choice of shots are a good way of connecting with the target audience. In my research I found that many of the shots used were close ups and mid-shots to clearly show who the artist/band is. I created a Prezi (the link to it is below) which looks at how my choice of shots is similar to those of real life magazines.

I think that my magazine can represent my chosen social group simply through the general style. There is the black, white and red colour scheme; the three colours that can be easily associated with my target audience because of their connotations. I would think that my magazine employs the necessary conventions that allow it to act as a good representation of the audience. I had to think carefully about what I needed to include and how these features would affect the way I was trying to put the magazine across to the audience; this really was a key think to consider.

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