Evaluation 6 & 7

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your product?

I feel that through the process of constructing my music magazine, I have learnt a great deal about the different technologies involved in the creation of a product like this.
Obviously, in the past I have had experience of using a camera, however, there was much more to think about this time. I had to think about lighting and background as well as about what the model had to do. I learnt about when the flash was necessary and when it was necessary to take a portrait or landscape photo. I was lucky that I had a 12 mega pixel camera to use because it gave me really good quality images to use and I found that it was unnecessary to edit them too much.
I also found that I really got to experiment a lot with PhotoShop on this task. I had used the program before when I edited some photos for my art course last year but I hadn't used it in a huge amount of depth so I found that many features were quite new to me when I began to create my music magazine. I found it interesting to edit the page layout and use features such as drop-shadows which I'd never used before. I did really enjoy using PhotoShop because it was a challenge and a change to using the usual Windows programmes.

I also learnt a lot about online programs such as Blogger because I had never used it before and so I had to quickly get to grips with it in order to make good progress with my project. Once I got into it, I found it very easy to use and I think I'll probably use it in the future. I encountered other programs that I had never used such as Prezi, SlideShare and Flickr. I found them all very simple to use and I think they were a very effective way to illustrate different aspects of my project. I enjoyed using them and I think that I picked up a lot of useful experience that I can employ in the future. 

Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When I look back at my preliminary I can see a big improvement from then to now. I think my preliminary task was an opportunity for my to experiment in preparation for the real thing and I think without it, I would not have gathered the necessary experience that I needed. 
I am now going to look at different elements from both tasks and show how I have improved. Follow the link below to a SlideShare presentation which illustrates this:

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