Still Image Originals

This is the image which I took for the front cover. I was really happy with the original photo because it was really good quality and the lighting was perfect and exactly what I wanted. I think it looks quite professional without editing. I really wanted the pose to be something unique rather than your usual magazine pose. I think that just from this photo, you can read a lot into the artist and what he's all about.

This is the original picture for my contents page. Like with the image for the cover, I think the lighting is really good and the pose is quite interesting which is why I chose this one for the contents page. The one thing I don't want my photos to be is boring so I wanted to step outside the box and really think hard about poses I could create.

This image was one that I took which was potentially going to be used on the contents page, however, I felt it lacked something and was a bit too boring and straight-forward to be used in a magazine of this genre. It's too ambiguous and doesn't really say much about the artist, it's a little too "blank".

This image is one of the smaller images on the contents page. On the actual contents page, I have cropped the image and brightened it up a little. I think that it was important to crop it and focus a bit more on the face of the artist because from this distance, it isn't very clear. I want the audience to know exactly who it is and get a clear view of him.

This image is the original copy of the second of the smaller images on the contents page. I did have to crop it a little and brighten it up, but I think it is quite a good shot. It's something a little bit different and original; I haven't seen anything similar before. The photos play a big part in creating the USP for my magazine.

This image is the one which I wish to use as the main image on the double page spread. I think the shot is good but I think that it may have to be cropped and brightened a little and obviously, I will have to make it grayscale. I think it's quite a subtle photo but it's very effective with regard the image I'm trying to portray about the artist.

This is one of the three smaller images to be used on the double page spread. I think that this will need to be cropped and lightened and it too will be grayscale. I think I need a photo which is serious and which shows the artist full-on so he can be seen clearly.

This image is the second smaller image for the double page spread. I really like this shot and the location because it looks very natural. This too will need to be cropped, brightened and turned grayscale.

This is the third and final smaller image for the double page spread. This is one of my favourite photos because it is really fun and natural and reflects the age of the artist; after all, he is meant to be 17. I don't want all the photos to be serious because that doesn't reflect his image and the way he is talking in the copy. I believe that this photo links in well with the quote on the page: "This really is as good as it gets!". Also, this image should be brightened and made grayscale.

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