Magazines Pages Before Feedback

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This is my first attempt at my cover. Overall, I am very pleased with the way that it looks and it is exactly how I planned. I have kept to my plans strictly and I'm glad that I did adapt my designs as I feel it looks much better now. I think I made the right decision with regard the second image I initially planned to include because I think that the page would look far too crowded and as a result, appear quite messy and unprofessional. I definitely believe there is plenty on the cover here and I like it this way. I think that the colour scheme works really well with the image, masthead and copy - it looks much better than I thought it would. I really like the image because I think the pose is quite unique and I think that it would make the magazine stand out form the shelf. There are improvements which I would like to make; I think that I need to edit the masthead in order to make it stand out more and really emphasize the brand. I also think that the competition box in the bottom left-hand corner could be edited in order to look more interesting and less boring. I think that I also need to mention that this magazine is brand new and fresh on the market so I will need to allocate some space to do that. Finally, I think that the bar code needs to be moved further right and the price should be made smaller.

This is the second draft of my front cover. As you can probably see, I have made quite a few changes. I have added a drop shadow and inner shadow to my masthead and I think this makes it look much stronger and really emphasizes the brand of the magazine. I also included a new feature which is the 'Brand New Mag' piece which I thought was really important. I think that the yellow stands out very well from the red and even at a glance, it is very noticeable. I moved some of the text because of this new shape because i think that the left hand side was looking too crowded so by spreading the text out a little more I think it looks much better. Also, as I said I would, I have made the competition feature a little more interesting by bringing in a couple of different colours which make it look more eye-catching. I think the whole style of it relates well to the target audience and so it should attract readers who are looking at the cover. I have moved the bar code further right so it doesn't feel as if it is intruding on the page anymore and the price has also been made smaller as before it looked far to big and, to some extent, created too much of a distraction on the page. I think that this draft is so much better than the first and I think I made the right choices with regards improvement. I am happy with the cover now so I will leave it like this until I receive my feedback and then I will make any further adjustments necessary.

This is my first draft of my contents page. I have stuck to my plan and I am very happy with the outcome. As with the cover, I think that the colour scheme works really well and links to the different colours in the images. This contents page has good organisation which was one of my top priorities. I made the sub-headings clear and bold to make them stand out well and make navigation easy for the readers. I have included a brief summary of some of the articles under there heading in order for them to be a narrative tease and encourage readers to find out more. As I said in my plans, the editorial was very important and it was something that I had to get right, I think that I have done it well because I have tried to use language that the audience can relate to and with which they would feel comfortable. I have used ellipses to lure the audience in and to make them feel like there is much more to come in the magazine. I think that the three page numbers which are embedded into the images work really well because they not only link in with the colour scheme, they also are very noticeable and stand out from the page well which was something I wanted. There are a couple of alterations I would like to make though; I think the contents page masthead it too weak and think so I would like to alter the font and make it more dominant. Also, I think that the sub-headings need to be centralised a little more as currently, I don't think they are as good as they could be. Finally, I think that I might make the web address ad the top of the page a little larger as it is very important that this is visible to the audience and currently, it blends in a little too much and doesn't have that eye-catching nature. Overall though, I am really happy with this draft and apart from the few changes I have mentioned, I believe it is quite good.

This is the second draft of my contents page and I think it does look noticeably better than the first. I have made all the changes I said I would and it look much better because of these. I think that the main improvement is definitely the masthead; it looks so much stronger and really stands out from the page, unlike on the first draft. Also, the web address is definitely more evident and clear which is important. Personally, at this stage, I don't think there is much more for me to do on the contents page until I receive the feedback, therefore, my next task is to begin creating my double page spread. I am really pleased with the contents page and I do feel that it looks professional and has all the correct conventions of a real contents page.

This is the first draft of my double page spread and I am really pleased with the way it has turned out - it's just how I hoped. I've stayed with the black/white/red colour scheme and I think that works so well with the black & white images as I hoped it would. I think the fact the images are in grayscale make it look so much more professional. The photos were really good quality initially so all I had to do was change the mode to grayscale. I think that the model has the exactly the right look that I wanted for my fictional artist and all the poses in the images are really good and each image brings something different to the page. I payed close attention to detail here by designing unique page numbers because I have seen that magazines such as Q and Kerrang! all have a little logo next to the page number to emphasize the brand. Currently, I can't see anything that I would want to improve, but if I get some feedback regarding alterations that need to be made, I will make them. 

Here I have experimented a little with my double page spread by altering the location of the images. I have swapped one of the three smaller images and the original main image. I think that the image that is now the main image fits in with the quotation better and allows the reader to get a better view of the artist. I did like the initial main image but I also like this one so currently, I am a little undecided on which version to use. Having looked at my checklist, I have found that I have forgotten to add a byline to my double page spread so that is an improvement that I have to make.

This is the front cover of my magazine again but this simply shows the change I made with the font of the masthead. I think that it better represents the genre of the magazine and fits in with the image I'm trying to put across to the audience. One thing I have also edited is the bottom right of the page; I've made the barcode and price a little smaller and also added the issue number there too. As you can see on the image on my contents page below, I have changed the font of the masthead on there in order for it to match the front cover.

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