Research into Conventions of Music Magazines

Below is a link which will take you to my analysis of 3 music magazine front covers. I have closely looked at Kerrang!, NME and Q as they are magazines which are similar to my own chosen genre: modern rock/alternative rock. However, there are contrasts between the artists featured so there are different conventions used. I have included much annotation commenting on these different conventions as I have with all the pages I have analysed. It's very interesting to look at how these magazines covers differ and think about what the reasons for this could be. I have gained inspiration by looking at these real-life front covers.

Below is a link which will take you to my analysis of 3 contents pages. I looked at 3 contents pages which in my opinion are very different because this has allowed me to explore the different conventions of different magazines. I have used 3 pages which link to my genre so that I can take inspiration from them. One common factor I have seen is that they are all organised well and so, for my own magazine, I know that organisation and layout is key.

Below is a link which will take you to my analysis of 3 double page spreads. I looked at 3 articles about very different artists (Lady Gaga, Courtney Love and My Chemical Romance) so the double page spreads therefore had very different conventions which was interesting to see. It's good to see how the style of the double page spread reflects the artist style and appearance and I therefore intend to make this aspect a top priority for my own double page spread.

This is a presentation I created about the research I gathered about music magazines from a sample group. To do this, I created a questionnaire on Survey Monkey and e-mailed it to a number if people for them to complete. This presentation includes pie-charts to display the data collected and also an analysis about what the information I gathered means to me with regards the creation of my magazine. The information has been useful and has given me some good pointers regarding the creation of my magazine. Obviously, the audience is a vital part of my planning and their needs need to play a big part in the decisions I make. 

This presentation compares my own sketches to real-life music magazines. I will look at the conventions of my sketches and how they compare to conventions of other music magazines.

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