Evaluation 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Below is a link which will take you to a presentation on SlideShare in which I have explored two major distributors: IPC Media and Bauer, and weighed up the advantages and disadvantages of them distributing my magazine. At the end, I have come to a conclusion about which one I would most like to distribute my magazine and why.

Magazine distribution is really important because it is how the magazine reaches the public; that is its role. It is important that the magazine is distributed by a company who can present a positive image to the target audience. I think that the most important thing to do when choosing a distributor is look at the magazines they are already distributing and see if they are already in contact with the target audience you are aiming the product at because if they are, they will be in contact with businesses that stock similar magazines and will have the experience of distibuting a magazine that a certain genre.


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