Evaluation 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

I employed a number of techniques to try to attract and address my audience on all three pages I created. I had to fully bear in mind what the audience would want to see in order to effectively create my magazine pages. I will now look at each one of these pages and, using Flickr, illustrate how I used certain aspects to address/attract my audience.

Below is a link which looks at how the front cover attracts the audience. Just drag your mouse across the image to see my annotations. (use the same technique to view the annotations on the other Flickr presentations)

Below is a link which looks at how my contents page attracts/addresses the audience

Below is a link which looks at how my double page spread attracts/addresses the audience

Earlier in my planning stage, as illustrated on my blog, I carried out a questionnaire to research my target audience and I found it useful to look at the results of the survey when deciding how to attract/address my audience because I gained a lot of useful information regrading what they would like to see and what most attracts them to a magazine so I kept this in mind when designing the magazine. 

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