Plans for Magazine

Below is a link which will take you to a presentation in which I have drawn sketches for my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. I have also written descriptions about each one, describing them in more detail. I have explained the decisions which I have made and why I think they are the right ones.

This is the first draft of the article for my double page spread. It is just over 730 words long and I think for a first attempt, it is well done. The language was important because I needed to ensure that it fitted in with the target audience. I wanted it to be quite relaxed and casual so I added in little things that I thought the readers could relate to. I needed to bring the character to life to make the magazine as realistic as possible.

Below is a link to a presentation which shows my final designs and photo plans for my music magazine. The designs have changed slightly since the beginning so I have included details and reasons as to why I changed the designs. It's important for me to keep looking at where I can improve and I found much room for improvement in this area; I want to make the magazine as good as I possibly can.

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