
W/C January 9th 2012 - I have set up my blog, edited the design, created pages and got to grips with using it. I have edited the home page and also uploaded the task brief.
W/C January 16th 2012 - this week I began closely analysing front covers, contents pages and double page spread from real music magazines and looking at the different conventions of them. I found this useful as I was able to take inspiration from these magazines. This week I also began creating some plans for my prelim task which I am pleased with.
W/C January 23rd 2012 - I began thinking about my own magazine this week. I have drawn up some sketches for the different pages and thought about what I would like to include. I have included these sketches in a presentation which I have uploaded to my blog. I have done a couple of sketches for each so I have been able to experiment and have more of a choice.
W/C January 30th 2012 - I have begun to sketch my shot plans this week. I have had to think hard about the sort of image I want my magazine to project and the planned photos reflect this proposed image. I have created quite a few; I doubt I will use them all, but I would like the choice - I'd rather have more than less.
W/C February 6th 2012 - I began work on my prelim task this week. I went out and took photos and used PhotoShop and managed to complete it by the end of the week which I'm pleased with because it gives me more time to focus on my real magazine. I uploaded the finished prelim onto my blog and used Prezi for the first time to create a presentation illustrating the different conventions I included and why.
W/C February 13th 2012 - This week, I created a presentation which compares my own planned magazine sketches against real-life magazines. I have looked at what conventions they have in common and how they differ also.
W/C February 20th 2012 - This week I created some new sketches for my magazine because after some more consideration I have decided to slightly alter the designs. I have uploaded these new sketches and explained why I made the changes I did. I also edited the photo plans slightly also and have uploaded these as well.
W/C February 27th 2012 - This week I began taking the photos for my music magazine. I took my shot plans with me to ensure I stuck to them. I am happy with the photos I have taken and think they are appropriate for the magazine. This week I also began the construction of the front cover of my music magazine and once I got the photos, I was able to add them and so my first draft is complete and I have uploaded it onto my blog. I then looked over my cover, made necessary changes, and uploaded a second draft onto my blog. I also wrote the article for my double page spread this week, which I am happy with, and after making a few changes I consider it finished.
W/C March 5th 2012 - I began my contents page this week and am approximately half-way through. I have added images and included some copy so I think that the first draft will be complete by the end of next week.
W/C March 12th 2012 - Early this week, I finished the drafts of my contents page which I have uploaded onto my blog. I am happy with them and have no further alterations to make until I receive my feedback. I have also done some more work on my blog and uploaded some images into the 'Still Image Originals' section and briefly explained each one. I also began my double page spread this week and currently (Wednesday 14th) I am almost finished and just need to add a few small details. I also uploaded my completed risk assessment onto my blog, so that section is completed. By the end of the week, I have finished my first draft of my double page spread and I'm very pleased with it. I have also uploaded it onto my blog.
W/C March 19th 2012 - At the beginning of the week, I did a bit of experimenting with my double page spread and edited the location of a couple of the images slightly. I am not 100% sure if I like the new  photo layout but it is important that I try new things which will hopefully improve my work; I have uploaded this new version of the double page spread onto my blog. I have also edited my front cover slightly by editing the font of the masthead and I think that it looks much better now. I have therefor had to change the font of the masthead on my contents page so it is the same as that on the cover. These smaller changes have made a big differences; it has surprised me just how big. I think that I am now happy with my 3 pages and will not make any more changes until I get my feedback (unless I spot something)
W/C March 26th 2012 - This week I started work on my evaluation. It's going really well so far and I have just finished the first question. It has been a time consuming process because I have had to ensure that I am including all the necessary detail. I have wrote a lot and tried to  make it as detailed as possible so I am happy with it.
W/C April 2nd 2012 -  This week is the Easter holidays and I have been working on my evaluation and completed all the seven questions in as much detail as possible. I have used programs such as Flickr, Prezi and SlideShare to help present the evaluation. I think I have completed it correctly and I am very happy with the work I have done. As far as I know, I have included all the necessary information, however, if I find that I have missed anything out, I will be sure to add it.
W/C April 16th 2012 - This week was really spent looking through and re-reading my evaluation to ensure there is nothing I have missed.I found a few basic spelling mistakes and also found a couple of areas where I could add a little more information so I did. Overall, I have found no major issues so I'm happy with my evaluation.
W/C April 23rd 2012 - I have received my feedback for my construction and there was only 2 small changes to make so I did those; therefore all of my pages are now finished so I will upload the finished pieces onto my blog in the correct sections. I also had my evaluation checked and there were no major problems, only one small correction which I managed to carry out within a very short period of time, so that is also finished. I have now come to the end of my coursework and I am extremely happy with the work I have produced.

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